序号 |
论文题目 |
作者 |
期刊名称 |
收录/发表时间 |
1. |
progress in enhanced pool boiling heat transfer on macro-and micro-structured surfaces |
楚化强 |
international journal of heat and mass transfer |
2023 |
2. |
calcium oxide-enhanced phosphorus recycling using sewage sludge degradative solvent extraction technology |
张丽徽 |
fuel |
2022 |
3. |
metal recovery and heavy metal migration characteristics of ferritic stainless steel pickling sludge reduced by municipal sludge |
张丽徽 |
waste management |
2022 |
4. |
research progress in the preparation of high-quality liquid fuels and chemicals by catalytic pyrolysis of biomass: a review |
邱冰冰 |
energy conversion and management |
2022 |
5. |
characterising microplastic pollution in sediments from urban water systems using the diversity index |
牛司平 |
journal of cleaner production |
2021 |
6. |
comparison of the no heterogeneous reduction characteristics using biochars derived from three biomass with different lignin types |
段锋 |
journal of environmental chemical engineering |
2021 |
7. |
enhanced adsorption of molybdenum(vi) from aquatic solutions by chitosan-coated zirconium–iron sulfide composite |
练建军 |
separation and purification technology |
2021 |
8. |
nitrogen-doped chain-like carbon nanospheres with tunable interlayer distance for superior pseudocapacitance-dominated zinc-and potassium-ion storage |
楚化强 |
carbon |
2021 |
9. |
experimental investigation of the effect of cylindrical array structure on heat transfer performance during nucleate boiling |
楚化强 |
international journal of heat and mass transfer |
2021 |
10. |
effects of adding cyclohexane, n-hexane, ethanol, and 2, 5-dimethylfuran to fuel on soot formation in laminar coflow n-heptane/iso-octane diffusion flame |
楚化强 |
combustion and flame |
2021 |
11. |
effects of n2 dilution on laminar burning velocity, combustion characteristics and nox emissions of rich ch4–air premixed flames |
楚化强 |
fuel |
2021 |
12. |
a high-efficiency phenanthrene-degrading diaphorobacter sp. isolated from pah-contaminated river sediment |
王萍 |
science of the total environment |
2021 |
13. |
insight into the reaction mechanism over pmoa for low temperature nh3-scr: a combined in-situ drifts and dft transition state calculations |
贾勇 |
journal of hazardous materials |
2021 |
14. |
development of a mechanistic fouling model for predicting deposit formation in a woodchip-fired grate boiler |
郑志敏 |
energy |
2021 |
15. |
pressure drop model for fibrous media in depth filtration: coupling simulation of microstructure and cfd porous media during dust loading |
钱付平 |
building and environment |
2021 |
16. |
dried sludge reburning blended with calcium magnesium acetate addition in a fluidized bed combustor |
张丽徽 |
waste management |
2021 |
17. |
pore structure of sludge char and simultaneously no removal charac teristics in the treated flue gas from ca-l |
张丽徽 |
fuel |
2021 |
18. |
biochar as a low-cost adsorbent for aqueous heavy metal removal: a review |
邱冰冰 |
journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis |
2021 |
19. |
carbon fragments as highly active metal-free catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction: a mechanistic study |
毛可可 |
nanoscale |
2020 |
20. |
characterization of contamination levels of heavy metals in agricultural soils using geochemical baseline concentrations |
牛司平 |
journal of soils and sediments |
2020 |
21. |
effect of methane addition to ethylene on the morphology and size distribution of soot in a laminar co-flow diffusion flame |
楚化强 |
energy |
2020 |
22. |
evaporation heat transfer characteristics of composite porous wick with spherical-dendritic powders |
汪冬冬 |
applied thermal engineering |
2020 |
23. |
experimental investigation of soot morphology and primary particle size along axial and radial direction of an ethylene diffusion flame via electron microscopy |
楚化强 |
journal of the energy institute |
2020 |
24. |
interface engineering of co3o4 loaded cafe2o4/fe2o3 heterojunction for photoelectrochemical water oxidation |
蔡佳佳 |
applied surface science |
2020 |
25. |
numerical investigation on combustion characteristics of laminar premixed n-heptane/air flames at elevated initial temperature and pressure |
楚化强 |
journal of the energy institute |
2020 |
26. |
numerical study on the effect of separated over-fire air ratio on combustion characteristics and nox emission in a 1000 mw supercritical co2 boiler |
顾明言 |
energy |
2020 |
27. |
variations of dom quantity and compositions along wwtps-river-lake continuum: implications for watershed for environmental management |
王育来 |
chemosphere |
2020 |
28. |
characteristics of particle size distribution and related contaminants of highway-deposited sediment, maanshan city, china |
牛司平 |
environmental geochemistry and health |
2020 |
29. |
investigation of the effect of so2 and h2o on vpo-cr-peg/tio2 for the low-temperature scr de-nox |
贾勇 |
frontiers in materials |
2020 |
30. |
numerical investigation of heat transfer characteristics of supercritical co2 tube in combustion chamber of coal-fired boiler |
王计敏 |
journal of thermal science |
2020 |
31. |
promoting photocarrier separation for photoelectrochemical water splitting in alpha-fe2o3@c |
蔡佳佳 |
journal of nanoparticle research |
2020 |
32. |
synthesis of industrial solid wastes/biochar composites and their use for adsorption of phosphate: from surface properties to sorption mechanism |
邱冰冰 |
colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects |
2020 |
33. |
catalytic degradation of humic acid by mn-cu/al-mcm-41 catalyst in electro-fenton/chlorine processes: influencing factors, mechanisms, and kinetics |
刘再亮 |
water air and soil pollution |
2020 |
34. |
characteristics and mechanisms of molybdenum(vi) adsorption by drinking water treatment residue |
练建军 |
desalination and water treatment |
2020 |
35. |
dft and experimental study on denitration mechanism over vpo/tio2 catalyst |
贾勇 |
research on chemical intermediates |
2020 |
36. |
dft study on the c–no coupling reaction with different active sites |
陈萍 |
combustion science and technology |
2020 |
37. |
direct numerical simulation of capillary rise in microtubes with different cross-sections |
汪冬冬 |
acta physica polonica a |
2020 |
38. |
lab-scale study on recirculated subsurface flow wetlands packed with pumice for the treatment of stormwater from animal feeding-lots |
牛司平 |
desalination and water treatment |
2020 |
39. |
numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer between supercritical co2 tube and flue gas |
王计敏 |
asia-pacific journal of chemical engineering |
2020 |
40. |
sulfation, pore, and fractal properties of hydrated spent calcium magnesium acetate from calcium-based looping |
张丽徽 |
greenhouse gases-science and technology |
2020 |
41. |
treatment of molybdenum(vi)-containing groundwater using chitosan nanoparticle: adsorption mechanism and performances |
练建军 |
desalination and water treatment |
2020 |
42. |
adsorption of molybdenum(vi) on solids derived from sludge of water treatment processes |
练建军 |
abstracts of papers of the american chemical society |
2020 |
43. |
checking dilute subaqueous density flows from the specific energy diagram |
吴亚坤 |
journal of hydraulic research |
2020 |
44. |
effect of oxygen-rich combustion on soot formation in laminar co-flow propane diffusion flames |
楚化强 |
journal of the energy institute |
2020 |
45. |
accurate evaluation of regional soil salinization using multi-source data |
吴亚坤 |
guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi/spectroscopy and spectral analysis |
2020 |
46. |
enhanced adsorption of molybdenum(vi) onto drinking water treatment residues modified by thermal treatment and acid activation |
练建军 |
journal of cleaner production |
2020 |
47. |
experimental study on hydraulic and thermal characteristics of composite porous wick with spherical–dendritic powders |
汪冬冬 |
journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry |
2020 |
48. |
investigation of mass transfer coefficient of absorption of sulfur dioxide by ammonia |
贾勇 |
huagong xuebao/ciesc journal |
2020 |
49. |
reaction pathways for the reduction of no by nitrogen-containing char |
陈萍 |
journal of fuel chemistry and technology |
2020 |
50. |
the adsorption behavior of metals in aqueous solution by microplastics effected by uv radiation |
王琼杰 |
journal of environmental sciences (china) |
2020 |
51. |
the effect of oxygen played in nitrous oxide heterogeneous reduction and the behavior of oxygen on char surface: quantum chemical and kinetics calculations |
顾明言 |
combustion science and technology |
2020 |