


2022-04-30 15:54  



1概 述





(2) 教授,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,能源与动力工程系主任。主要研究领域:燃烧检测与分析,纤维材料热物特性,纳米流体沸腾换热分形分析等。

(3) 博士。主要研究领域:垃圾燃烧污染物控制。

(4) 。主要研究领域:量子化学计算,煤粉燃烧特性研究等。

(5) ,博士。主要研究领域:颗粒物控制。

(6) 博士。主要研究方向:燃烧控制、能量转换与利用、节能减排。

(7) ,男,博士。主要研究领域:燃烧控制、高能燃料燃烧特性。



(1) 一维沉降炉燃烧检测系统





(2) 耐高压两视窗燃烧室


(3) 碳氢燃料燃烧检测平台






(4) 高速摄影系统

c:\documents and settings\administrator\桌面\img_20131025_165255.jpg


(5) 热分析-傅里叶红外联用仪






(6) 烟气分析仪


(7) 全自动氧弹量热仪



(8) 管式炉


(9) 高温微量热天平


(10) 红外热像仪

c:\documents and settings\administrator\桌面\20131113_110513.jpg



(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(no. 51376008):o2/co2气氛不同粒径煤粉燃烧相互作用机理及对nox生成影响,2014.01-2017.12,负责人:顾明言,进行中.

(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(no.51376007):纳米铝粉在二氧化碳气氛中的点火燃烧机理研究,2014.01-2017.12,负责人:孙运兰,进行中.

(3) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(no.51306001 ):基于高效非灰辐射模型的碳氢燃料燃烧产物特性研究,2014.01-2016.12,负责人:楚化强,进行中.

(4) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(no.51206001 ):新型铝/冰基燃料燃烧特性及机理研究,2013.01-2015.12,负责人:朱宝忠,进行中.

(5) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(no.50806001 ):新型铝/冰基燃料燃烧特性及机理研究,2009.01-2011.12,负责人:孙运兰,已结题.

(6) 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项(no.2012yq220119):燃烧过程多光谱分析仪器的开发与应用, 2012.10-2016.10,安徽工业大学负责人:顾明言,进行中.

(7) 安徽省自然科学基金青年基金项目(已立项):o2/co2气氛下co2辐射特性对煤粉燃烧影响机理研究,2014.01-2015.06,负责人:楚化强,进行中.

(8) 安徽省自然科学基金面上基金项目(no.1208085me70):纳米铝粉在二氧化碳气氛中的燃烧机制研究,2012.07-2014.07,负责人:孙运兰,进行中.

(9) 安徽省自然科学基金青年基金项目(no.1208085qe90):非均匀布风流化床颗粒流动机理与n2o排放,2012.07-2014.07,负责人:刘典福,进行中.

(10)安徽省高校优秀青年人才基金项目(no. 2011sqrl031):非均匀布风内循环流化床垃圾焚烧炉流动、燃烧与污染控制研究,2011.6-2013.6,负责人:刘典福,已结题.









(1) mingyan gu, guang chen, mingchuan zhang, d. (frank) huang, pinakin chaubal and chenn q. zhou. three-dimensional simulation of the pulverized coalcombustion inside blast furnace tuyere., 2010, 34(11): 3536–3546.

(2) mingyan gu, mingchuan zhang, juan yu, weidong fan, fengguo tian. numericalstudy on thespatialdistribution ofenergyreleaseduringcharcombustion.applied energy,2008, 85:1060–1070.

(3) mingyan gu, mingchuan zhang, n.k.c. selvarasu, yongfu zhao, chenn q. zhou.numericalanalysis ofpulverizedcoalcombustioninsidetuyere andraceway.steel research international,2008, 79(1):17–24.

(4) guohua liu, nils hoivik, xiaoming wang, shushen lu, kaiying wang and henrik jakobsen. photoconductive, free-standing crystallized tio2nanotube membranes. electrochimica acta, 2013, 93: 80-86.

(5) guohua liu, nils hoivik and kaiying wang. small diameter tio2nanotubes with enhanced photoresponsivity. electrochemistry communications, 2013, 28: 107-110.

(6) guohua liu, nils hoivik, kaiying wang and henrik jakobsen. engineering tio2nanomaterials for co2conversion/solar fuels. solar energy materials and solar cells, 2012, 105: 53-68.

(7) yunlan sun,baozhong zhu.combustioncharacteristics of an al/h2omixture withpolyoxyethylene.industrial & engineering chemistry research,2011,50(24):14136–14141.

(8) yunlan sun,baozhong zhu, hongchang dang, huajian sun,study on the flash pyrolysis of polyacrylamide:accelerator of al-h2o-based propellants. journal of materials science, 2011, 46(13): 4471–4478.

(9) yunlan sun,baozhong zhu, shufen li.effect of nitrate ester on the combustion characteristics of pet/hmx-based propellants. defence science journal,2011, 61(3): 206–213.

(10)fengshan liu,huaqiang chu,huaichun zhou, gregory j. smallwood. evaluation of the absorption line blackbody distribution function of co2and h2o using the proper orthogonal decomposition and hyperbolic correlations.journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer, 2013, 128: 27-33.

(11)huaqiang chu, fengshan liu, huaichun zhou. calculations of gas radiation heat transfer in two-dimensional rectangular enclosures using the line-by-line approach and the statistical narrow-band correlated-k model. international journal of thermal sciences, 2012, 59: 66-77.

(12)huaqiang chu, fengshan liu, huaichun zhou. calculations of gas radiation transfer in planar plates using lbl and snb models. international journal of heat and mass transfer, 2011, 54: 4736–4745.

(13)jimin wang, peng xu, hongjie yan, iemin zhou, shixuan li, guangchen gui, wenke li.burner effects on melting process of a regenerative aluminum melting furnace. transactions of nonferrous metals society of china, 2013, 23(11): 3125-3136.

(14)jiemin zhou,jimin wang, hongjie yan, shixuan li, guangchen gui. multiple-response optimization for melting process of aluminum melting furnace based on response surface methodology with desirability function. journal of central south university of technology, 2012, 19(10): 2875-2885.

(15)jimin wang, hongjie yan, jiemin zhou, shixuan li, guangchen gui. optimization of parameters for an aluminum melting furnace using the taguchi approach. applied thermal engineering, 2011, 33-34(1): 33-43.

(16)xiaolin wei, yang wang,dianfu liu, et al. release of sulfur and chlorine during cofiring rdf and coal in an internally circulating fluidized bed. energy & fuels, 2009, 23(3): 1390–1397.

(17)xiaolin wei, yang wang,dianfu liu, hongzhi sheng. influence of hcl on co and no emissions in combustion. fuel, 2009, 88(10): 1998–2003.

(18)刘典福,魏小林,盛宏至.煤部分气化后制得半焦的残余挥发分含量的预测.中国科学:技术科学, 2012, 42(2): 155–159.

(19)朱宝忠,孙运兰.白肋烟热解特性及其动力学.过程工程学报, 2013, 13 (4): 600-607.

(20)孙华建,朱宝忠.手工电焊机触电事故分析及相应的焊接设备改进.信息技术与信息化, 2009(3): 72–73.

(21)朱宝忠,孙运兰,谢承卫.不同煅烧温度下贵州兴义煤矸石的光谱学研究.煤炭学报, 2008, 33(9): 1049-1052.

(22)李静.., 2008(1): 51–54.

(23)李静.., 2007(5): 26-29.

(24)李静,徐健..中国煤炭, 2006(12): 33–36.



wang, kaiying;liu, guohua; hoivik, nils; buøen, erland; jakobsen, henrik; tio2nanotubes for photocatalytic degradation of water pollutants. i: dekker encyclopedia of nanoscience and nanotechnology, crc press 2013, isbn 9781439891346.




(2)水反应金属燃料高温实验装置,专利号:zl 201120256097.4

(3)一种可控式废铝制氢装置,专利号:zl 201120256107.4

(4)一种手控制氢实验装置,专利号:zl 201120248681.5





(1) dt法求解三维圆柱体内辐射传热计算软件[简称: 3d_dt_radiation] v1.0,软件著作权.

(2)柱坐标下三维旋流煤粉燃烧器煤粉燃烧及nox排放计算软件[简称: 3d_cylinder_combustion] v1.0,软件著作权.

(3)气体光谱透射率及黑度计算软件[简称: lbl_transmission_emission] v1.0,软件著作权.

(4)气体平均普朗克吸收系数新算法计算软件[简称: planck_lblh2o_new] v1.0,软件著作权.

(5) lbl do法求解一维平行平板间气体非灰辐射传递过程计算软件[简称: lbl_dom_1d] v1.0,软件著作权.



