(1)2021.05-2023.05 国家环境保护农药环境评价与污染控制重点实验室开放课题《新型co/cu mofs及其衍生物的制备及降解新污染物技术研究》(参与)
(2)2022.08-2025.08 新型co基纳米材料降解农药废水中新污染物效果测试及验证
(3)2020.01-2022.12 含氟金属碘酸盐非线性光学晶体研究(参与)
(4)2017.01-2019.12 (参与)
(5)2019.07-2020.07 金属有机配合物用作后合成修饰磁材性料及其机理研究(参与)
[1] q.q. li, z.j. ren, y.t. liu, j.d. liu, r. zhou, y.q. bu, f.f. mao, h. wu*, petal-like hierarchical co3o4/n-doped porous carbon derived from co-mof for enhanced peroxymonosulfate activation to remove tetracycline hydrochloride. chemical engineering journal 452 (2023) 139545. (if:16.744,sci)
[2] q.q. li, j.d. liu, z.j. ren, z.k. wang, f.f. mao, h. wu*, r. zhou, y.q. bu, catalytic degradation of antibiotic by co nanoparticles encapsulated in nitrogen-doped nanocarbon derived from co-mof for promoted peroxymonosulfate activation. chemical engineering journal 429 (2022) 132269. (if:16.744,sci)
[3] q.q. li, y.w. dong, f.f. mao, k.b. wang, h. wu, q.c. zhang, recent progress in metal-organic frameworks for white-light emission. chinese journal of inorganic chemistry 36 (2020) 983-1000. (if:0.827,sci)
[4] q.q. li, k.c. jiao, , crystal structure of bis (n-(1-(pyrazin-2-yl)ethylidene) nicotionhydrazonato-k3n,n’,o)copper(ii) c24h20n10o2cu. zeitschrift fur kristallographie-new crystal structures 233 (2018) 669-670. (if:0.365,sci)
[5] q. cao*, q.q. li (共一), z.c. pi, j. zhang, l.w. sun, j.z. xu, y.y. cao, j.y. cheng, y. bian, metal-organic-framework-derived ball-flower-like porous co3o4/fe2o3 heterostructure with enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity. nanomaterials 12 (2022) 904. (if:5.719,sci)
[6] k.b. wang*, q.q. li, z.j. ren, c. li, y. chu, z.k. wang, m.d. zhang, h. wu*, q.c. zhang*, 2d metal-organic frameworks (mofs) for high-performance batcap hybrid devices. small16 (2020) 2001987. (if:15.153,sci)
[7] *, q.q. li, , lanthanide cation encapsulated in a metal-organic framework as a white led and selective naked-eye reversible hcl sensor. 7 (2019) 2880-2885. (if:8.067,sci)
[8] *, q.q. li, x.l. he, , , y. wang, y. wang, the magnetic hybrid cu(i)-mof@fe3o4 with hierarchically engineered micropores for highly efficient removal of cr(vi) from aqueous solution. crystal growth & design 18 (2018) 6248-6256. (if:4.010,sci)
[9] *, q.q. li, y.l. he, , q.j. tang, two novel porous mofs with square-shaped cavities for removing toxic dyes: adsorption or degradation. 41 (2017) 15204-15209. (if:3.925,sci)
[10] *, q.q. li, x.l. he, , , y. wang, facile fabrication of magnetic metal-organic framework composites for the highly selective removal of cationic dyes. materials 11 (2018) 744. (if:3.748,sci)
[11] *, q.q. li, x.l. he, , y. wang, l. jia, synthesis of agbr@mofs nanocomposite and its photocatalytic activity for dye degradation. polyhedron 165 (2019) 31-37. (if:2.975,sci)
[12] *, q.q. li, x.l. he, , y. wang, j.l. cao, construction of mixed-valence cu(i)/cu(ii) 3-d framework and its photocatalytic activities. polyhedron 151 (2018) 478-482. (if:2.975,sci)
[13] j.d. liu, q.q. li, f.f. mao, k.b. wang, h. wu*, 2d mofs-based materials for the application of water pollutants removing: fundamentals and prospects. chemistry-an asian journal 15 (2021) 3585-3598. (if:4.839,sci)