
2023-06-30 15:52  










2019.09-2023.06 中国地质大学,材料科学与工程专业 博士研究生

2016.09-2019.06 安徽工业大学,化学工艺专业 硕士研究生

2012.09-2016.07 安徽工业大学,化学工程与工艺专业 大学本科




2021.01 至今 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于调控矿物复合材料内建电场构建光催化-储能材料体系,主研




国内外权威期刊上发表sci论文10余篇,以第一作者在coordination chemistry reviews (if:24.833)journal of materials chemistry a (if:14.511)acs applied materials & interfaces (if:10.383)等国际知名sci期刊上发表学术论文10篇,esi高被引论文1篇。

1.zhang, h.; zhang, j.; liu, y.; feng, f.; zhang, y.; sun, l.; zhang, y., functional porous carbons for zinc ion energy storage: structure-function relationship and future perspectives, coordination chemistry reviews 2023, 482, 215056.

2.zhang, h.; wang, l.; zhang, y.; liu, y.; zhang, j.; sun, l.; feng, f.; zhang, y., oxygen-enriched lignin-derived porous carbon nanosheets promote zn2 storage. journal of colloid and interface science 2023, 635, 94-104.

3.zhang, h.; chen, z.; zhang, y.; ma, z.; zhang, y.; bai, l.; sun, l., boosting zn-ion adsorption in cross-linked n/p co-incorporated porous carbon nanosheets for the zinc-ion hybrid capacitor. journal of materials chemistry a 2021, 9 (30), 16565-16574.

4.zhang, h.; zhang, y.; bai, l.; zhang, y.; sun, l., effect of physiochemical properties in biomass-derived materials caused by different synthesis methods and their electrochemical properties in supercapacitors. journal of materials chemistry a 2021, 9 (21), 12521-12552.  

5.zhang, h.; zhang, y.; liu, y.; shi, x.; zhang, y.; bai, l.; wang, q.; sun, l., oxygen-deficient α-mno2 nanotube/graphene/n, p codoped porous carbon composite cathode to achieve high-performing zinc-ion batteries. acs applied materials & interfaces 2022, 14 (32), 36668-36678.

6.zhang, h.; he, x.; wei, f.; dong, s.; xiao, n.; qiu, j., moss-covered rock-like hybrid porous carbons with enhanced electrochemical properties. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering 2020, 8 (8), 3065-3071.

7.zhang, h.; he, x.; gu, j.; xie, y.; shui, h.; zhang, x.; xiao, n.; qiu, j., wrinkled porous carbon nanosheets from methylnaphthalene oil for high-performance supercapacitors. fuel processing technology 2018, 175, 10-16.

8.zhang, h.; wei, f.; sun, j.; jing, m; he, x., ionic liquid assisted synthesis of porous carbons from rice husk for supercapacitors. journal of electrochemistry 2019, 25 (6), 764-772. 中国核心期刊

9.wei, f.; zhang, h.; wang, j.; zhuang, j.; lv, y., n, s co-doped porous carbons with well-developed pores for supercapacitor and zinc ion hybrid capacitor. journal of alloys and compounds 2022, 907, 164536.(co-first author)

10.wei, f.; zhang, h.; hui, x.; lv, y.; ran, s.; liu, x., n doped porous carbon nanosheets with enhanced zinc ion storage capability. journal of power sources 2023, 554, 232348.(co-first author)

11.liu, y.; zhang, h.; zhang, y.; liang, c.; an, q., rendering passive radiative cooling capability to cotton textile by an alginate/caco3 coating via synergistic light manipulation and high water permeation. composites part b: engineering 2022, 240, 109988.

12.wei, f.; zhang, h.; he, x.; ma, h.; dong, s.; xie, x., synthesis of porous carbons from coal tar pitch for high-performance supercapacitors. new carbon materials 2019, 34 (2), 132-139.

13.xie, x.; he, x.; zhang, h.; wei, f.; xiao, n.; qiu, j., interconnected sheet-like porous carbons from coal tar by a confined soft-template strategy for supercapacitors. chemical engineering journal 2018, 350, 49-56.

14.dong, s.; he, x.; zhang, h.; xie, x.; yu, m.; yu, c.; xiao, n.; qiu, j., surface modification of biomass-derived hard carbon by grafting porous carbon nanosheets for high-performance supercapacitors. journal of materials chemistry a 2018, 6 (33), 15954-15960.

15.wei, f.; he, x.; ma, l.; zhang, h.; xiao, n.; qiu, j., 3d n,o-codoped egg-box-like carbons with tuned channels for high areal capacitance supercapacitors. nano-micro letters 2020, 12 (1), 82.

16.wei, f.; he, x.; zhang, h.; liu, z.; xiao, n.; qiu, j., crumpled carbon nanonets derived from anthracene oil for high energy density supercapacitor. journal of power sources 2019, 428, 8-12.





4.张以河;张韩方;刘嫣然;孙黎.一种富氧氮自掺杂木质素基多孔碳纳米片制备方法及其锌离子储能应用, 2022.08.09,中国(发明专利,实审,cn202210949532.4)









