
2023-11-15 10:32  










2017.9—2022.6   南京理工大学,化学工程与技术 硕博连读

2013.9—2017.6   山东科技大学,化学工程与工艺 大学本科




[1] meng fanyu, guo lina, zou haocheng, zhu boming, zhou fayang, zeng yiqing, zhang shule*, zhong qin*. mechanism study on tio2 inducing •o2 and •oh radicals in o3/h2o2 system for high-efficiency no oxidation[j]. journal of hazardous materials, 2020, 399: 123033.

[2] meng fanyu, zhang shule*, zeng yiqing, zhang mingjia, zou haocheng, zhong qin*. promotional effect of surface fluorine on tio2: catalytic conversion of o3 and h2o2 into •oh and •o2 radicals for high-efficiency no oxidation[j]. chemical engineering journal, 2021, 424: 130358.

[3] zhang mingjia1, meng fanyu1, zhang shule*, zeng yiqing, zhong qin*. sulfur-doping promoting peroxone reaction over tio2 for highly effective no oxidation at low temperature: experimental and dft studies[j]. chemical engineering journal, 2022, 429: 132475.

[4] meng fanyu, zhang mingjia, zhang shule*, zhong qin*. tio2 with exposed {001} facets catalyzed peroxone reaction into •o2and •oh radicals for low temperature no oxidation[j]. fuel, 2022, 314: 122748.

[5] meng fanyu, zhang shule*, zhang mingjia, zhong qin*. the mechanism of ce-mcm-41 catalyzed peroxone reaction into •oh and •o2 radicals for enhanced no oxidation[j]. molecular catalysis, 2022, 518: 112110.

[6] meng fanyu, zhang shule*, li xiaohai, zeng yiqing, zhong qin*. crox assembled at the oxygen vacancies on black-tio2 for no oxidation[j]. molecular catalysis, 2019, 473: 110393.

[7] li xiaohai1, meng fanyu1, zhang shule*, zhang mingjia, zeng yiqing, zhong qin*. the effect of polyethylene glycol modification on crox/tio2 catalysts for no oxidation[j]. colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2019, 578: 123588.

[8] meng fanyu, guo lina, he jianyu, wang zhongyu, ma zhiguo, zeng yiqing, zhang shule*, zhong qin*. v2o5-(nh4)2v6o16•1.5h2o composite catalysts as novel platforms for high-efficiency catalytic ozonation of no under low temperature[j]. journal of physics and chemistry of solids, 2021, 155: 110112.

[9] meng fanyu, zhang mingjia, zhou fayang, zou haochen, zhu boming, zeng yiqing, zhang shule*, zhong qin*. crox anchored on the black-tio2 surface via organic carboxylic acid ligand and its catalysis in oxidation of no[j]. catalysis letters, 2021, 151: 1755–1765.
