
2024-11-01 14:52  



所在系室 环境科学与工程

ag官网的联系方式 sipingniu@126.com        



2012.9—2016.2  韩国韩瑞大学,环境工程专业 博士研究生

2008.9—2011.6   安徽理工大学环境工程专业 硕士研究生

2004.9—2008.6  泰山医学院(山东第一医科大学环境工程专业 大学本科


1. 面源污染管理与控制:基于最佳管理实践和低影响开发理念,针对流域和城市面源污染,着力于流域水环境质量改善和海绵城市建设,开展雨水资源综合利用和自然友好型径流削减与污染控制技术等方面的研究;

2. 微塑料污染及其环境行为:针对新兴持久性污染物-微塑料开展研究,内容涉及环境介质中微塑料的赋存特征、迁移机制及驱动因子,微塑料与环境污染物的界面过程及其机制。


1. 城市路面积尘微塑料污染累积及其径流迁移机制研究(国家自然科学基金项目、主持、2018.01-2020.12);

2. 城市湖泊沉积物微塑料污染特征研究(自然资源部生态地球化学重点实验室开放基金、主持、2018.01-2019.12);

3. 城市水体及沉积物微塑料污染特征研究(安徽省自然科学基金项目、主持、2018.07-2020.06);

4. 淮河流域郯城县农业源污染物入水体系数验证(横向课题、主持、2019.01-2019.08);

5. 淮河湖西区流域农业源污染物入水体系数外推方法体系构建(横向课题、主持、2019.01-2019.08)。

6. 路面径流生态湿地净化技术开发(韩国环境部项目、参与、2012.04-2015.12);

7. 径流污染生态处理技术开发(韩国环境部项目、参与、2012.03-2013.12);

8. 沿海地区面源污染最佳控制措施标准研发(韩国国土交通部项目、参与、2013.04-2014.04);

9. 韩国面源污染控制最佳管理措施评估(韩国环境部与韩国水环境学会联合项目、参与、2012.03-2014.04);

10. pyeongtaek-kodeuk地区低影响开发技术研发(韩国土地与住宅公司及韩国水环境学会联合项目、参与、2014.04-2014.12);

11. 根瘤菌-紫花苜蓿复合基人工湿地除钼机理及其效能研究(国家自然科学基金项目、参与、2018.01-2020.12);

12. 水热炭和am真菌对硫铁矿尾矿元素释放过程的影响机制(安徽省自然科学基金项目、参与、2018.07-2020.06)。


1. niu s., guerra h.b., chen y., park k., & kim y. performance of a vertical subsurface flow (vsf) wetland treatment system using woodchips to treat livestock stormwater. environmental science: processes & impacts. 2013, 15(8), 1553-156.

2. niu s., park k., & kim y. effect of sampling duration on the performance evaluation of stormwater wetland. water science & technology. 2015, 71(3), 373-381.

3. niu s., park k., guerra h. b., & kim y. experimental study on non-woven filamentous fibre micro-filter with high filtration speed. water science & technology. 2015, 71(9), 1414-1422.

4. niu s., park k., kwon y., & kim y. nitrogen reduction in stormwater from livestock lots by vertical subsurface flow wetlands packed with woodchips. desalination and water treatment. 2015, 54 (13), 3534-3543.

5. niu s., park k., yu j., & kim y. operation and performance evaluation of high-speed filter using porous non-woven filamentous fibre for the treatment of turbid water. environmental technology. 2015, 37(5), 577-589.

6. niu s., park k., cheng j., & kim y. an investigation into the relationship between water quality volume (design storage volume) and stormwater wetland performance. water science & technology. 2016, 73(6), 1483-1491.

7. niu s., gao l., & zhao j. distribution and risk assessment of heavy metals in the xinzhuangzi reclamation soil from the huainan coal mining area, china. human and ecological risk assessment: an international journal. 2015, 21(4), 900-912.

8. niu s., gao l., & zhao j. risk analysis of metals in soil from a restored coal mining area. bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. 2015, 95(2), 183-187.

9. niu, s., gao, l., & zhao, j. heavy metals in the soils and plants from a typical restored coal-mining area of huainan coalfield, china. environmental monitoring and assessment. 2017, 189(10), 484.

10. niu, s., & zhang, c. endocrine disrupting compounds from the source water of the huai river (huainan city), china. archives of environmental contamination and toxicology. 2018, 74(2), 471-483.

11. niu, s., gao, l., & wang, x. characterization of contamination levels of heavy metals in agricultural soils using geochemical baseline concentrations. journal of soils and sediments. 2019, 19(4), 1697-1707.

12. niu, s., wang, x., yu, j., & kim, y. lab-scale study on recirculated subsurface flow wetlands packed with pumice for the treatment of stormwater from animal feeding-lots. desalination and water treatment. 2019, 152, 58-65.

13. niu, s., chen y., yu j., rao z., & zhan n. (2019). characteristics of particle size distribution and related contaminants of highway-deposited sediment, maanshan city, china. environmental geochemistry & health. 2019, 41, 2697-2708.

14. rao z., niu, s.*, zhan n., wang x., & song x. microplastics in sediments of river yongfeng from maanshan city, anhui province, china. bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. 2020, 104, 166-172.(通讯)

15. 牛司平, 王璇, kim youngchul, 练建军. 高速公路路面雨水径流下渗系统性能研究.环境科学学报. 2019, 39(03), 116-121.

16. niu s.*, wang x., yu j., kim y. pollution reduction by recirculated fill-and-drain mesocosm wetlands packed with woodchip/pumice treating impervious road stormwater. environmental technology. 2020, 41(13), 1627-1636.

17. niu s.*, song x., yu j., wang x., lian j. particle size dependent heavy metals in road dusts from maanshan city, china. ksce journal of civil engineering. 2020, 24(5), 1411-1423.

18. 牛司平*,袁庆科,金永喆. 高速公路路面雨水径流污染物排放特征研究.环境科学学报. 2020, 40(9):3311-3322.

19. 王璇, 牛司平*, 宋小龙, 饶竹,战楠. 城市湖泊沉积物微塑料污染特征,环境科学. 2020, 41(7), 3240-3247.(研究生一作,导师通讯)

20. fang q., niu s.*, yu ji. characterising microplastic pollution in sediments from urban water systems using the diversity index. journal of cleaner production. 2021, 318,128537. (研究生一作,导师通讯)

21. niu s.*, song x., yu j., wu j. evaluation of spatial and seasonal water quality variation of urban lake by multivariate statistical approaches for water quality improvement. desalination and water treatment, 2021,239,137-149.

22. niu s.*, fang q., yu j., wu j. heavy metals present in the soils from extremely large opencast iron mine pit. bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 2021, 107,984-989.

23. niu s.*, wang x., rao z., zhan n. microplastics present in sediments of yushan river: a case study for urban tributary of the yangtze river. soil and sediment contamination: an international journal, 2021, 30(3), 314-330.

24. 方芹, 牛司平*, 陈予东, 于江华. 城市路面积尘微塑料污染特征. 环境科学, 2022, 43(1), 189-198. (研究生一作,导师通讯)

25. 牛司平*,于江华,程一松.长江经济带典型矿业城市马鞍山市大气污染特征及颗粒物潜在源研究.环境科学学报, 2022, 42(2),283-297.

26. 牛司平*,朱旭,朱兰兰. 皖南地区铜陵市大气颗粒物污染特征及潜在源研究.环境科学学报,2022,42(5),60-73.



