
2023-11-11 08:40  



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2007/032011/01东南大学 能源与环境学院热能与动力工程系 博士

2001/092004/05安徽工业大学 冶金与资源学院冶金工程系 硕士

1996/092000/07安徽工业大学 冶金与资源学院热能与动力工程系 学士




1. 2021年 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目 基于酸洗污泥深度还原的蒸汽-铁法制氢机理及重金属稳定性研究no. 2108085me161)

2. 2019年 安徽省高校自然科学研究项目基于核壳型ca-fe基的高炉煤气ca-l耦合clc工艺碳捕捉研究no.  kj2019a0087


1. 2019年 燃料与燃烧学(2018mooc032) 省级质量工程项目中大规模在线开放课程(mooc)示范项目

2. 2020年 燃料及燃烧学课程思政体系的构建与实践探索(2020kcszyjxm026) 安徽省级课程思政建设研究项目

3. 2020年 燃料及燃烧学 省级示范课



[1] duan f., jin b.s., huang y.j., li b., wu y.m., zhang m.y. results of bituminous coal gasification upon exposure to a pressurized pilot-plant circulating fluidized-bed (cfb) reactor [j].  energy fuels, 24(5): 3150-3158, 2010  sciei收录)    

[2] duan f., wan h.p., han y.l., chyang c.s., chen h.j., tso j. characteristics of fluidized bed combustion with intermittent feeding using woodblocks and rubber. 2. pollutant emissions [j] energy fuels, 26(9): 5577−5582, 2012 sciei收录)    

[3] duan f., zhang l.h., huang y.j. dependence of bituminous coal gasification on pressure in a turbulent circulating fluidized bed [j], asia-pac. j. chem. eng.,7(6): 822-827, 2012 sciei收录)    

[4] duan f., liu j., chyang c.s., hu c.s., tso j. combustion behavior and pollutant emission characteristics of refuse derived fuel (rdf) and sawdust in a vortexing fluidized bed combustor [j]. energy, 57:421-426, 2013. sciei收录)    

[5] duan f., chyang c.s., hsu s.h., tso j. combustion behavior and pollutant emissions of batch fluidized bed combustion. [j] j. taiwan inst. chem. e., 44: 1034-1038, 2013sciei收录)  

[6] duan f. chyang c.s., chin y.c., tso j. pollutant emission characteristics of rice husk combustion in a vortexing fluidized bed incinerator. [j] j. environ. sci, 25(2):335-339, 2013 sciei收录)  

[7] duan f., cong s.q. shannon entropy analysis of dynamic behavior of geldart group b and geldart group d particles in a fluidized bed. [j] chem. eng. commun., 200(4):575-586, 2013 sciei收录)    

[8] duan f., chyang c.s., lin c.w., tso j. experimental study on rice husk combustion in a vortexing fluidized-bed with flue gas recirculation (fgr). [j] bioresource technol., 134: 204-211, 2013 sciei收录)    

[9] duan f., chyang c.s., wen j.r., tso j. incineration of kitchen waste with high nitrogen in vortexing fluidized-bed incinerator and its no emission characteristics. [j] j. environ. sci, 25(9):1841-1846, 2013 sciei收录)  

[10] duan f., chyang c.s., wang y.j., tso j. effect of secondary gas injection on the peanut shell combustion and its pollutant emissions in a vortexing fluidized bed combustor, [j] bioresource technol.,154: 201-208, 2014sciei收录)    

[11] duan f., chyang c.s., wang j.t., tso j. spent activated carbon combustion in a fluidized bed combustor. [j] energy fuels, 28:1463-1469, 2014 (sciei收录)        

[12] duan f., chyang c.s., tso j. comparison of combustion behaviors and pollutant emissions using bituminous coal and corncob in a fluidized bed combustor. [j] asia-pac. j. chem. eng., 9:718-725,2014 (sci,ei收录)        

[13] duan f., zhang j.p., chyang c.s., wang y.j., tso j. combustion of crushed and palletized peanut shells in a pilot-scale fluidized-bed combustor with flue gas recirculation [j]. fuel process. technol., 128, 28-35, 2014sciei收录)    

[14] duan f., chyang c.s., zhang l.h., et al. bed agglomeration characteristics of rice straw combustion in a vortexing fluidized-bed combustor[j] bioresource technol., 183, 195-202, 2015 (sciei收录)        

[15] duan f., chyang c.s., zhang l.h., et al. effect of the molecular structure of nitrogen compounds on the pollutant formation in a bubbling fluidized-bed combustor[j] energy, 83,394-4022015sciei收录)    

[16] duan f., sun x.r., zhang y.s., hu. a.f., chyang c.s. combustion behavior and no emission characteristic of biomass in o2/co2 atmosphere [j]. journal of southeast university (english edition), 31(2):200-203, 2015 (ei收录)          

[17] duan f., chen j., zhang l.h., et al. investigation of the vortexing effect on sawdust combustion in a fluidized bed combustor [j] energy fuels, 30 (3), 1701–1707, 2016sciei收录)    

[18] duan f., zhang l.h., sun x.r., huang y.j. comparison of thermal behavior for modified calcium magnesium acetate blended separately with peanut shell and sewage sludge at different atmospheres [j]. journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry, 127(3), 2417-2425, 2017        

[19] duan f., zhang l.h., huang y.j. sulfur release and migration characteristics of sewage sludge combustion under the effect of organic calcium compound addition [j]. energy fuels, 31 (5), 5525–5532, 2017            

[20] cao s.s.1, duan f.1, zhang l.h., chyang c.s. et al. application of response surface methodology to determine effects of operational conditions on in-bed combustion fraction in vortexing fluidized-bed combustor using different fuels [j]. energy, 139, 862-870, 2017.      



[1] cong s.q., duan f.*, zhang y.s., liu j., zhang j.p., zhang l.h. so2 emission from municipal sewage sludge cocombustion with bituminous coal under o2/co2 atmosphere versus o2/n2 atmosphere. [j]. energy fuels, 23, 7067-7071, 2013sciei收录)

[2] zhang y.s., zhang l.h., duan f.* et al. co-combustion characteristics of sewage sludge with different rank bituminous coals under the o2/co2 atmosphere [j], journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry, 121, 729-736, 2015 (sciei收录)

[3] sun x.r., fang d.d., zhang l.h., duan f.,*, sun y.l. performance study of modified calcium magnesium acetate (mcma) in the process of high temperature co2 capture and the application of spent mcma for sequential so2 removal. [j]. asiapacific journal of chemical engineering, 12: 595–604, 2017 sciei收录)

[4] fang d.d.1, chen j.1, zhang l.h., duan f.,*, et al. experimental study on the shrinkage characteristics and devolatilization time of wood in a turbulent fluidized bed combustor using computed tomography [j]. energy, 141:348-357,2017sciei收录)

[5] zhang l.h., duan f.,*, chyang c.s.* utilization of an organic calcium compound to reduce so2 and no emissions from sewage sludge combustion [j]. energy fuels, 32, 3950-3957, 2018sciei收录)

[6] chen j.1, fang d.d.1, duan f.,*, et al. pore characteristics and fractal properties of biochar obtained from the pyrolysis of coarse wood in a fluidized-bed reactor [j]. applied energy, 218, 54-65, 2018sciei收录)

[7] cao s.s., duan f.,*, wang p., chyang c.s. biochar contribution in biomass reburning technology and transformation mechanism of its nitrogen foundational groups at different oxygen contents [j]. energy 155, 272-280, 2018sciei收录)

[8] wu q., he l.q., zhang l.h., duan f.,*, pore and fractal descriptions of modified cao-based sorbent for sequence so2/co2 capture behavior [j] greenhouse gases: science and technology, 9, 825–836, 2019 sciei收录)

[9] zhang l.h., duan f.,*, wu x.r., no and so2 removal and pore structure evolution during reburning with calcium magnesium acetate blended peanut shell[j] journal of the energy institute 93, 614-623, 2020 sciei收录)

[10] zhang l.h., yang x.j., fang d.d., duan f.,* wang p.* grindability, thermogravimetric characteristics, and kinetics analysis of semibiochar from coarse wood pyrolyzed in a fluidized bed [j]. asiapacific journal of chemical engineering, 2020, 15, e2458sciei收录)

[11] li, jingang; zhang, li-hui*; duan, feng* effect of the dried and hydrothermal sludge combustion on calcium carbonate decomposition in a simulated regeneration reactor of calcium-looping [j] energy & fuels, 2020, 34, 4745−4753sciei收录)

