职称: 资格副教授
所在系室: 能源与动力工程
ag官网的联系方式: chp0109@126.com
2017.9-2020.4 安徽工业大学,冶金工程(节能与环保)专业 博士研究生
2013.9-2015.6 东北大学,钢铁冶金专业 硕士研究生
2009.9-2013.6 安徽工业大学,冶金工程专业 大学本科
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,氨煤混燃不同阶段n的迁移转化机理及调控机制研究,2023/01-2025/12,在研,主持.
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,等离子体助燃下氨煤着火燃烧特性及nox生成机理与调控机制研究,2023/07-2025/06,在研,主持.
3. 安徽省自然科学基金青年项目,nh3/煤粉共燃的高温还原区nh3-煤焦-no耦合作用下n的非均相转化机理研究,2022/07-2024/06,在研,主持.
4 安徽省高等学校自然科学研究项目,nh3与金属氧化物协同作用下生物质热解制备高效co2/vocs吸附材料的机理研究,2022/01-2023/12,在研,主持.
5. 煤燃烧国家重点实验室开放基金,金属氧化物与富氮生物质协同热解制nox/vocx高效协同吸附材料机理研究,2022/01-2023/12,在研,主持.
6. 能源清洁利用国家重点实验室开放基金,金属矿物质耦合co对nh3-煤粉共燃下还原区no异相还原的协同交互机理研究,2022/01-2023/12,在研,主持.
7. 安徽工业大学青年基金项目,分级燃烧co对燃煤过程n迁移转化影响机理的理论和实验研究,2020/10-2021/12,结题,主持.
8. 国家重点研发计划项目, s-co2燃煤发电系统污染物生成机理与超低排放技术,2017/07 -2021/06,结题,主研.
1. ping chen, yao fang, peipei wang, mingyan gu, kun luo, jianren fan. the effect of ammonia co-firing on no heterogeneous reduction in the high-temperature reduction zone of coal air-staging combustion: experimental and quantum chemistry study. combustion and flame, 2022, 237: 111857. (a类)
2. ping chen, huichun wang, boyu jiang, ying wang, mingyan gu, guang chen. an experimental and theoretical study of no heterogeneous reduction in the reduction zone of ammonia co-firing in a coal-fired boiler: influence of co. fuel processing technology 231 (2022) 107184. (b-top)
3. ping chen, boyu jiang, huichun wang, mingyan gu, yao fang, peipei wang. experimental and theoretical calculations study on heterogeneous reduction of no by char/nh3 in the reduction zone of ammonia co-firing with pulverized coal: influence of mineral fe. fuel, 2022, 310: 122374. (b-top)
4. ping chen, ying wang, peipei wang, mingyan gu, boyu jiang, kun luo, jianren fan, yi wang. oxidation mechanism of ammonia-n/coal-n during ammonia-coal co-combustion. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2022, (b-top)
5. ping chen, peipei wang, mingyan gu, yao fang, kun luo, janren fan. theoretical and experimental investigation on the effect of co on n migration and conversion during air-staged coal combustion[j]. journal of the energy institute, 2021, 97:138-151. (b类)
6. ping chen, mingyan gu, dongfang wang, jialun wang, xiangyong huang, hao wang, yuyu lin. experimental and density functional theory study of the influence mechanism of oxygen on no heterogeneous reduction in deep air-staged combustion. combustion and flame, 2021, 223, 127-141. (a类)
7. ping chen, mingyan gu, guang chen, xiangyong huang, yuyu lin. the effect of metal calcium on nitrogen migration and transformation during coal pyrolysis: mass spectrometry experiments and quantum chemical calculations. fuel, 2020, 264: 116814. (b-top)
8. ping chen, mingyan gu, guang chen, fengshan liu, yuyu lin. dft study on the reaction mechanism of n2o reduction with co catalyzed by char. fuel, 2019, 254: 115666. (b-top)
9. ping chen, mingyan gu, xue chen, jinchao chen. study of the reaction mechanism of oxygen to heterogeneous reduction of no by char. fuel, 2019, 236: 1213-1225. (b-top)
10. ping chen, dongfang wang, mingyan gu, guang chen, xiangyong huang, yuyu lin. the effect mechanism of fe on coal pyrolysis to nox precursors: quantum chemical calculations and mass spectrometry experiments. acs omega, 2020, 5(36): 23247–23256.
11. ping chen, mingyan gu, xiangyong huang, mingming wang, yuyu lin, guang chen. dft study on the c-no coupling reaction with different active sites. combustion science and technology, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2019.1663415.
12. ping chen, mingyan gu, fengshan liu, jinchao chen, jialun wang, yuyu lin. the effect of oxygen played in nitrous oxide heterogeneous reduction and the behavior of oxygen on char surface: quantum chemical and kinetics calculations. combustion science and technology, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2019.1620737.
13. ping chen, mingyan gu. the effect of co played in nitrous oxide heterogeneous reduction: a quantum chemistry study, the 12th asia-pacific conference on combustion. (ei)
14. 陈萍, 王莹 , 汪珲春, 蒋博宇, 顾明言, 樊建人. 氨煤混燃过程中nh/煤焦/o2异相体系 n 氧化的分子机理研究[j]. 煤炭学报, 2022, doi: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2022.0388. (b-top)
15. 蒋博宇,顾明言,陈萍,王佩佩,花昌豪,樊建人,汪一. 氨煤混合燃烧no生成特性的实验研究[j]. 中国电机工程学报, 2022. (b-top)
16. 陈萍, 方瑶, 顾明言, 蒋博宇, 王佩佩, 樊建人. fe对高温还原区煤焦/nh3还原no的影响[j/ol]. 煤炭转化, 2022, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/14.1163.tq.20220325.2126.004.html
17. 陈萍, 高卫, 顾明言. 煤燃烧还原区no/氧存在下armchair型焦炭n的迁移转化特性[j]. 燃烧科学与技术, 2022, 28(4): 389-396.
18. 朱雨涵, 程斌, 张丰, 王佩佩, 陈萍*, 顾明言. 氨气/丙烷混合燃烧及nox生成特性研究[c]. 第十一届全国能源与热工学术年会论文集. 2021: 492-498.
19. 陈萍, 李计划, 顾明言, 陈光. 无氧/低氧环境中zigzag型焦炭n的迁移转化特性, 燃料化学学报, 2020, 48(8): 920-928. (ei)
20. 陈萍, 顾明言, 汪嘉伦, 卢坤, 林郁郁. 含氮煤焦还原no反应路径研究, 燃料化学学报, 2019, 47(3): 33-40. (ei)
21. 陈萍, 顾明言, 陈金超, 陈雪, 卢坤. 中度气化煤焦异相还原no机理, 燃料化学学报, 2018, 46(8): 918-924. (ei)
22. 陈萍, 顾明言, 林郁郁, 严大炜, 黄庠永. 含酮基团对煤焦异相还原no的影响, 燃料化学学报, 2018, 46(5): 521-528. (ei)
23. 陈萍, 顾明言, 李红, 严文福, 陈光. 焦炉结焦过程立火道nox生成特性研究, 燃料与化工, 2017, 48(6): 13-16, 24.
1. 陈萍,顾明言,高卫,张超,林郁郁. 一种利用钢坯辐射能及超临界二氧化碳循环的发电系统,发明专利,zl201810131659.9. (授权)
2. 顾明言,陈萍,严大炜,张超,陈金超. 一种采取超临界二氧化碳的多级压缩循环发电方法,发明专利,zl201810131625.x. (授权)
1. 煤粉颗粒着火特性计算软件[简称:cig-combustion]v1.0, 软件著作权, 编号:软著登字第10262692号, 登记号:2022sr0278340, 2022 年 02月25 日.
2. 煤粉燃烧颗粒相互作用及nox生成特性计算软件[简称ccno-combustion]v1.0, 软件著作权, 编号:软著登字第10262691号, 登记号:2022sr0278276, 2022 年 02月25 日.