【1】国家重点研发计划项目(no.2017yfb0601805): s-co2燃煤发电系统污染物生成机理与超低排放技术,2017.07 -2021.06.(课题负责人)
【7】等离子体辅助氨煤混烧特性及 nox 生成机理研究,安徽高校协同创新项目,2022.03-2025.02
【1】 mingyangu, fengshan liu, jean-louis consalvic, ömer l.gülderd. effects of pressure on soot formation in laminar coflow methane/air diffusion flames doped with n-heptane and toluene between 2 and 8 atm. , 2021, 38(1): 1403-1412.
【2】mingyan gu, mingming wang, xue chen,jimin wang, yuyu lin, huaqiang chu. numerical study on the effect of separated over-fire air ratio oncombustion characteristics and nox emission in a 1000 mw supercritical co2 boiler. energy, 2019, 175(15): 593-603.
【3】 mingyan gu, huaqiang chu, fengshan liu. effects of simultaneous hydrogen enrichment and carbon dioxide dilution of fuel on soot formation in an axisymmetric coflow laminar ethylene/air diffusion flame. combustion and flame, 2016, 166: 216-228.
【4】 mingyan gu, guang chen, xuhui liu, cengceng wu, huaqiang chu, numerical simulation of slab heating process in a regenerative walking beam reheating furnace, international journal of heat and mass transfer, 2014, 76: 405–410.
【5】mingyan gu, cengceng wu, yuhang zhang, huaqiang chu, study on combustion characteristics of two sizes pulverized coal in o2/co2 atmosphere, journal of co2 utilization, 2014, 7: 6–10.
【6】ping chen, yao fang, peipei wang, mingyan gu*, kun luo, jianren fan. the effect of ammonia co-firing on no heterogeneous reduction in the high-temperature reduction zone of coal air-staging combustion: experimental and quantum chemistry study. combustion and flame, 2022, 237: 111857.
【7】ping chen, huichun wang, boyu jiang, ying wang, mingyan gu*, guang chen. an experimental and theoretical study of no heterogeneous reduction in the reduction zone of ammonia co-firing in a coal-fired boiler: influence of co. fuel processing technology 231 (2022) 107184.
【8】ping chen, boyu jiang, huichun wang, mingyan gu*, yao fang, peipei wang. experimental and theoretical calculations study on heterogeneous reduction of no by char/nh3 in the reduction zone of ammonia co-firing with pulverized coal: influence of mineral fe. fuel, 2022, 310: 122374.
【9】ping chen, mingyan gu*, dongfang wang, jialun wang, xiangyong huang, hao wang, yuyu lin. experimental and density functional theory study of the influence mechanism of oxygen on no heterogeneous reduction in deep air-staged combustion. combustion and flame, 2021, 223, 127-141.
【10】wang y, gu m, gao y, an experimental and numerical study of soot formation of laminar coflow h2/c2h4 diffusion flames in o2-co2 atmosphere, combustion and flame, 2020, 221: 50-63.
黄庠永,顾明言,林郁郁,陈萍,王东方,李计划,阮晨杰,张丰,宁克祥,陈传威,一种用于煤粉燃烧超低排放实验工艺, 202110348239.8; 2021-04-26
黄庠永,顾明言,林郁郁,陈萍,王东方,李计划,阮晨杰,张丰,宁克祥,陈传威,一种超临界co2燃煤锅炉超低排放研究的实验系统,202110350375.0; 2021.06.16
顾明言,陈萍,严大炜,张超,陈金超. 一种采取超临界二氧化碳的多级压缩循环发电方法,发明专利,zl201810131625.x.
陈萍,顾明言,高卫,张超,林郁郁. 一种利用钢坯辐射能及超临界二氧化碳循环的发电系统,发明专利,zl201810131659.9.
顾明言,马标,张雨航,刘旭辉. 一种提高o2/co2气氛下煤粉燃烧性能且降低nox生成的方法[p], 发明专利:专利号zl201210413882.5.
顾明言,王计敏,何先辉,楚化强.一种煤粉颗粒间燃烧过程相互作用的数值模拟方法[p]. 发明专利, 专利号zl201610045056.8
顾明言,范煜东,陈光,楚化强,何先辉. 一种利用汽车尾气发电的车载制冷坐垫[p].发明专利, 专利号zl201610811877.8.
顾明言,汪嘉伦,陈光,钱佳伟,严大炜,林郁郁,陈萍,煤粉给粉机的给粉方法[p], 发明专利:专利号zl201810528341.4
范煜东, 顾明言, 楚化强, 丁骁, 肖芳富. 一种太阳能温差能静电除尘器[p], 发明专利:专利号201410606246.3.
煤粉颗粒着火特性计算软件[简称:cig-combustion]v1.0, 软件著作权, 编号:软著登字第10262692号, 登记号:2022sr0278340, 2022 年 02月25 日.
煤粉燃烧颗粒相互作用及nox生成特性计算软件[简称ccno-combustion]v1.0, 软件著作权, 编号:软著登字第10262691号, 登记号:2022sr0278276, 2022 年 02月25 日.
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三维多孔介质内煤粉及焦炭燃烧计算软件, 编号: 软著登字第0772792号, 登记号:2014sr103548, 2014年07月23日.