2019.09—2023.07 清华大学,环境科学与工程专业 博士研究生
2013.09—2016.06 四川大学,材料工程专业 硕士研究生
2009.09—2013.06 四川大学,高分子材料与工程专业 大学本科
1. zou xue, zi mucong*, wu tiantian, yao yuanxin, yang caifeng, chen daoyi*. synthesis and
evaluation investigation of novel kinetic hydrate inhibitors at high subcooling conditions, fuel: 2023, 341: 127014.(中国科学院一区)
2. zou xue, zi mucong*, yang caifeng, liu kai, zhao chen, chen daoyi*,high-throughput sapphire
reaction system: a new experimental apparatus to evaluate hydrate kinetic inhibitors with igh efficiency and accuracy, journal of natural gas science and engineering, 2022, 104: 104687. (中科院二区)
3. zou xue, zhang jiaxing, zhao xue song , lv wei, qiu ling, zhang zhenghua*. photocatalytic
degradation of ranitidine and reduction of nitrosamine dimethylamine formation potential over
mxene–ti3c2/mos2 under visible light irradiation. journal of hazardous materials, 2021, 413: 125424. (中国科学院一区)
4. zou xue, zhang jiaxing, zhao xuesong, zhang zhenghua*. mos2/rgo composites for
photocatalytic degradation of ranitidine and elimination of ndma formation potential under visible light. chemical engineering journal, 2020, 383: 123084. (中国科学院一区)
5. zou xue , zhao xiaowen *, ye lin. synthesis of cationic chitosan hydrogel and its controlled glucose-responsive drug release behavior, chemical engineering journal, 2015, 273: 92-100.(中科院一区)
6. zou xue, zhao xiaowen *, ye lin. preparation and drug release behavior of ph-responsive bovine
serum albumin-loaded chitosan microspheres, journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, 2015, 21: 1389-1397.(中国科学院二区)
7. zou xue, ye lin *, zhao xiaowen. synthesis of cationic chitosan hydrogel with long chain alkyl and
its controlled glucose-responsive drug delivery behavior, rsc advance, 2015, 5:96230-96241. (中国科学院三区)
8. zhao xiaowen, zou xue, ye lin *. controlled ph-and glucose-responsive drug release behavior of
cationic chitosan based nano-composite hydrogels by using graphene oxide as drug nanocarrier.
journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, 2017, 49: 36-45. (中国科学院二区)
9. yang caifeng; zi mucong; wu guozhong; zou xue; liu kai; chen daoyi *, concentration effect of
kinetic hydrate inhibitor on hydrate formation and inhibition, fuel, 2022, 323: 124448.(中国科学院一区)
10. yang caifeng; chen daoyi; zou xue; zi mucong*, experimental investigation of the weakening
effect of corrosion inhibitors on the performance of kinetic hydrate inhibitors, energy & fuel, 2023
(accepted). (中国科学院三区)