2019.03-2023.06 东南大学,环境科学与工程专业,博士研究生
2015.09-2018.06 河南理工大学,化学工程专业,硕士研究生
2011.09-2015.06 河南理工大学,化学工程与工艺专业,大学本科
(1)2020.06-2021.06 2020年江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目《高温燃煤烟气中新型砷吸附剂制备及吸附机制研究》(主持)
(2)2018.07-2021.07 国家重点研发计划项目《燃煤过程中砷、硒、铅等重金属的控制技术》(参与)
[1] b. song, k. yuan, y. wei, d. chen, f. meng, q. cao, m. song, h. liu, in-furnace control of arsenic vapor emissions using fe2o3 microspheres with good sintering resistance. environmental science & technology. 55 (2021) 8613-8621. (中科院一区,if: 11.357)
[2] b. song, z. zhi, q. zhou, d. wu, l. yu, f. gong, m. song, enhanced arsenic removal by reusable hexagonal ceo2/fe2o3 nanosheets with exposed (0001) facet. science of the total environment. 847 (2022). 157490. (中科院一区,if: 10.753)
[3] b. song, m. song, d. chen, y. cao, f. meng, y. wei, retention of arsenic in coal combustion flue gas at high temperature in the presence of cao. fuel, 259 (2020) 116249. (中科院一区,if: 8.035)
[4] y. cao, b. song, m. song⁎, f. meng, y. wei, q. cao, capture of arsenic in coal combustion flue gas at high temperature in the presence of casio3 with good anti-sintering. fuel processing technology. 205 (2020) 106428. (中科院一区,if: 8.129,共一)
[5] b. song, q. tang, w. wu, h. zhang, j. cao, m. ma, a novel in-situ synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic performance of z-scheme ag/agi/agbr/sulfonated polystyrene heterostructure photocatalyst. journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers and materials. 28 (2018) 805-811. (中科院三区,if: 3.518)
[6] b. song, q. tang, q. li, w. wu, h. zhang, j. cao, m. ma, a novel in-situ synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic performance of ag/agi/agbr/sulfonated polystyrene heterostructure photocatalyst. materials letters. 209 (2017) 622-625. (中科院三区,if: 3.574)
[7] b. song, q. tang, w. wu, t. shao, q. li, j. cao, m. ma, a novel in-situ synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic performance of ag/agbr/ag2o/sulfonated polystyrene sphere heterostructure photocatalyst. materials letters. 208 (2017) 92-94. (中科院三区,if: 3.574)
[8] b. song, q. tang, q. li, w. wu, h. zhang, j. cao, m. ma, template assisted synthesis of ag/agbr/agcl hollow microspheres with heterojunction structure as highly activity and stability photocatalyst. materials letters. 209 (2017) 251-254.(中科院三区,if: 3.574)
[9] song, m., song, b., meng, f., chen, d., sun, f., & wei, y. incorporation of humic acid into biomass derived carbon for enhanced adsorption of phenol. scientific reports, 1 (2019) 1-8. (中科院三区,if: 4.996)