
2024-11-01 19:29  







江用彬,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。安徽师范大学生物技术学士,首都师范大学环境科学硕士、自然地理学博士,北京科技大学环境科学与工程流动站博士后。2004—2010年中国科学院地球化学研究所开展硕博联合培养研究,2009-2010美国rutgers university环境科学系开展联合培养博士研究。2010.7-至今于安徽工业大学环境科学与工程系从事环境工程与保护方面的教学、科研工作。2018.8-2019.8在马鞍山市生态环境局挂职,参与了污水、烟气及固废等环境保护管理和技术指导方面的工作。主要研究方向为环保管理与咨询、生态保护与修复、污水处理微生物、微生物与表生环境物质循环等方面。













[9]安徽省高等学校自然科学基金项目“全封闭纯氧污水生化处理臭气(h2s)减量化机理研究” 子课题,2013.1-2015.12。


[11]安徽工业大学青年基金 “加压富氧高密度活性污泥反应器工艺性能研究”;2011



[1] fanghuipan, youbao wang, yongbin jiang et al, formation and properties of pure-oxygen aerobic granular sludge (poags) at high organic loading rates (holr).desalination and water treatment,2020, 179, 45-53

[2]江用彬,黄燕军,金相雷,汪晓云,董俐香,张海英,黄学文,王萍,季宏兵,李 维,缪鹏,黄山景观区域氮、硫湿沉降来源与地球化学过程,环境化学,2019,38( 11) : 2610-2618.

[3]江用彬,黄学文,汪晓云,黄燕军,周志喜,董俐香,张海英,王 萍,季宏兵,李维,缪 鹏,黄山北部太平湖流域硫酸盐来源及其环境意义,安全与环境学报,2019, 19(5):1784-1792


[5]董俐香,江用彬等,黄山景观流域溶解态稀土元素地球化学特征,中国稀土学报,2017, 35(2): 283-293

[6] pan f h, jiang y b et al, potential causes of high performance of pure-oxygen aerobic granules in sbr under high organic loading condition. global nest journal, 2017,19, 4, 687-696

[7]江用彬,张海英,董俐香,等.黄山花岗岩关键带典型植物钙来源的锶同位素示踪[j].吉林大学学报(地球科学版),2015, 45(1):41.

[8] cai li, yongbin jiang, xinyue guo, yang cao, hongbing ji. multi-isotope (15n, 18o and 13c) indicators of sources and fate of nitrate in the upper stream of chaobai river, beijing, china. environ. sci. processes impacts, 2014, 16, 2644–2655

[9] yongbin jiang,zhixi zhou, hongbing ji, haiying zhang., controls on water geochemistry in the granitic critical zone observatory at mt.huang (yellow mountain) of china,goldschmidt 2014, 2014, 1141

[10] jiang yongbin,jihongbing.isotopic indicators of source and fate of particulate organic carbon in a karstic watershed of yunnan-guizhou plateau. applied geochemistry,2013,36,153-167

[11]jiang yongbin,jihongbing. rare earth geochemistry in the dissolved,suspended and sedimentary loads in karstic rivers,southwest china. environmental earth sciences. 2012,66, 2217-2234

[12]ji hongbing,jiang yongbin. carbon flux and c, s isotopic characteristics of river waters from a karsticand a graniticterrain in theyangtze riversystem.journal of asian earth science2012,57,38-53

[13] yongbin jiang, fanghui pan, hongbing ji, xinxi zhang, yi zhu, xiaobing hu.adsorption kinetics and equilibrium isotherms of cadmium removal from wastewater using chlamydomonas reinhardtii immobilized in sodium alginate.digital object identifier:,2012 , 1–4

[14]jiang yongbin,jihongbing. srfluxesand 87sr/86sr characterization of river waters from a karstic versus graniticwatershed in the yangtze river. journal of geochemical exploration,2011,110,202-215

[15]jiang yongbin, huo xiangyuan, zhu yi, ji hongbing. chemisorption and physical adsorption roles in cadmium biosorption by chlamydomonas reinhardtii. chinese journal of population, resources and environment, 2010, 8(2): 93-96

[16]jiang yongbin, zhu yi, ji hongbing. influence of operating conditions on the removal cd ions from aqueous media by adsorption using chlamydomonas reinhardtii. chinese journal of population, resources and environment, 2010, 8(3): 54-58


[18]jiang yongbin,ji hongbing,zhu xianfang,wang,shijie. c/n andd13c in suspended and sedimentary organic matter as evidence for changes of turning ecosystem in karst areas,southwest china. geochimica et cosmochimica acta (spec. supp 1),2009,73:a596


[20]jihongbing,jiang yongbin,li tiantian,weathering processes and source of dic for two contrasting small watersheds in the subtropical zone china. geochimica et cosmochimica acta (spec. supp 1),2008,72:a428





[1],公开号:206593909u,申请人:江用彬,金相雷等 (实用新型 已授权)



[4],公开号:. 申请人:张新喜 瞿村辉 冯晓明 江用彬(已授权)

[5].公开号:.申请人:胡小兵 刘孔辉 赵鑫 江用彬(已授权)

